Friday, July 3, 2015

Job Update

My everything HURTS!!!!! I should not have pushed myself that hard yesterday during the job training evaluation. my body composition is not made for this kind of fitness activity. I lift weights and then put them back down. I don't run for miles on end, I'm to heavy for this. I have to do this again on Saturday Morning... I will pace myself this time and not go all out for the warm up and then die because my heart exploded.

Gaming and Streaming

Elite Dangerous. With the announcements of No Man's Sky where you can fly to unlimited planets land on them and then survive the wild life and explore underwater and the current features in Star Citizen where you can walk around the ship hangar and around your (larger) ships Elite Dangerous will need to up its game. The only thing that they got going for them is that they have already launched and they have a solid core base game. But if either game launches before Elite implements walking in stations-planets/ landing on planets/ boarding ships even a frst person shooter feature Frontier Games will loose most if not all its players. Already with powerplay in action, players are leaving the game in large numbers.

Twitch also faces the same problem. You have YouTube Gaming launching this summer and Hitbox that is taking up steam. Youtube and Hitbox have solid infrastructure. Currently Twitch is having serious buffering problems, server problems for low viewers count. If twitch wants to keep in the competition, they need to up their game, Java video output is no longer enough. They need to get onto HTML 5 or increase their server power.

I think I might be making the switch to HitBox or Youtube Gaming. I am ok starting over again gaining more followers/subs in the other channels. It's too bad because there are features like follower announcements and IRC chat and admin bots.


Elite Dangerous
I did an almost 4 hour stream last night of Elite Dangerous and I am getting pro at Docking in stations. Even better at docking without getting scanned/seen by authorities. perfect for smuggling slaves and contraband.

Also I am learning how to become a ghost ship. completely disappear from scanners. My ship is rigged specifically for that. The Cobra is the ideal Smuggling ship